Seabreeze Accommodation, Marion Bay
Seabreeze Accommodation offers two two-bedroom fully self contained modern holiday homes that sleep up to five people each. Just a kangaroo hop away from Innes National Park where you can surf, fish, swim or just simply relax. Seabreeze Accommodation is only 280 kilometres from Adelaide so come down and experience all that Marion Bay has to offer.
Accommodation Options
One queen size bed, one bunk bed, one single bed.
One double bed, one bunk bed, one single bed.
Popular Activities
- Fishing - Beach
- Sightseeing
- Beach
- Fishing
More Accommodation In Marion Bay
When planning your visit to Marion Bay, finding the perfect place to stay is essential to making the most of your trip. Located conveniently near Seabreeze Accommodation, you can find accommodation that provide comfort and easy access to all the exciting activities and attractions Marion Bay has to offer.
Tours Operators Around Marion Bay
Marion Bay is a treasure trove of unique experiences. From thrilling outdoor adventures to cultural and historical explorations, theres no shortage of exciting tours to enjoy in and around Marion Bay. Whether you are seeking breathtaking natural landscapes, fascinating local stories, or a taste of the regions finest cuisine, theres a tour perfectly suited to your interests.
Discover some of the tours options around Marion Bay