Gwydir Caravan Park, Moree
The Gwydir Caravan Park has been established for approximatley 20 years and is situated on the Southern outskirts of Moree on the corner of Newell Highway and Amaroo Drive.
During the past 5 years the park has been developed into a tourist destination catering for both caravaners and those looking for the comfort of self contained cabins & villas.
In late 1996 to early 1997 the owners of the park sunk a bore to a depth of 720 metres directly beneath the park to tap into the Great Artesian Basin and take advantage of the curative and soothing powers of the mineral rich water. Two pools were installed on site and are now flowing with this natural thermal artesian water at a temperature of approximately 39oC. They are open daily from 7am to 10pm for the exclusive use of our guests.
The water flows continuously keeping it at its natural temperature and we empty each pool once per week for general cleaning and maintenance.
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